02 October 2008

34 weeks and Go Phillies!

Six weeks of pregnancy left until my due date! Kind of hard to believe I've come this far but also feels like a long time before we meet out little guy! The nursery is about done but needs to be organized and have a few finishing touches. I'll post some pics soon after we get it all under control! We wanted to have it mostly together by this weekend because we're getting maternity photos taken and some will be in there. I'm excited to have the talented Amy Ro take our photos and then she's coming back for newborn shots too! I've "known" her for a while now through an online message board and ever since I got pregnant thought about having her take some so it was perfect when she offered! I'll make sure to share the sneak peak she posts on her blog.

Duane was super excited to score 3 standing room only tickets to game 2 of the Phillies vs. Brewers NL division playoffs. As much as I wanted to go, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the standing for that long. Too bad because I'm writing this as the game is going on and it's turning out to be really exciting - something we never seem to get when we go to games! Go Phillies!!!

Here's a quick snapshot of me at 34 weeks, sporting my comfortable clothes and Phillies hat, all ready for the game!

1 comment:

April Ziegler said...

You look great! I can't believe you only have 6 weeks left. Wow. And Duane is so lucky... we're watching the game now. Go Phils! Can't wait to see the photos, Amy rocks! =)