27 September 2008

Be careful drinking the water...

...That is the big joke at work because in our QA department alone, there were 6 women pregnant at the same time! Not only are there a that many in my department but there are probably 3 others that I frequently see in my building and a handful of others at our Maryland facility! Our admin thought it would be nice to take a picture of us who are still pregnant so here we are.

From right to left is Jenn (Due Oct 15), Me, Michele (Due early December), Mary Ellen (Due mid-December) and Tia (Due late-December). Nona was the other one but she's currently out on maternity leave enjoying her new little boy.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh how cute! I was one of four pregnant teachers just in my little building the year I was pg with Julia. We took a similar pic!