03 September 2008

10 weeks (maybe +1) to go!

Today I’m at 30 weeks! I can’t believe that definitely in 11 weeks I’ll have or be having a baby boy (I just asked at my last appointment how overdue they’d let me go – only 1 week).

We are still working on the name. We’re definitely going to pick it when he’s born but want to have a shorter list than we do at this point. So far we have a list of about 10 that I like and my preference for the top contenders changes every time I look at it!

Baby boy is pretty active. I would love to know just exactly how he is laying in there when I feel all theses things. Sometimes it feels like he’s sideways, sometimes he feels like he’s breech and rarely he feels like he’s pictured in all the developmental books (head down). I think the doctors start getting concerned about his position in about 6 weeks so until then I hope he’s enjoying himself even though it doesn’t seem like there can possibly be too much room for him to rotate around! I read somewhere that a lot of women think they are having multiples or an octopus at some point because of the movements and it’s so true!

My belly button is looking pretty tight and with 10 weeks of growth to go, I’m wondering what it’s going to do! I’ve been feeling pretty good still although I’m now getting the first trimester tiredness back again, especially b/c it’s getting hard to get a full night’s sleep in. Between being uncomfortable, getting pelvis/hip and sciatica pain and getting up to go to the bathroom, I feel like I’m always awake. My heartburn/indigestion is pretty much constant (I get it when I drink WATER for goodness sake!) so I’ve been on Zantac and that helps a lot (yes, the Doctor OK’d it). My last complaint is work, just the thought of going makes my back ache. It’s been really uncomfortable lately sitting and typing all day despite taking breaks, sitting straight and using a wedge pillow. Oh and my Braxton hicks contractions (confirmed by the doc to be BH and not the real thing) have slowed down a lot. At one point 2 weeks ago I was having them hourly and it really made me nervous. Turns out I think I just needed to drink more fluids and rest more – I ended up getting a cold and those things are needed even when I’m not pregnant.

So that’s it for my 30 week update. Next week we’ll be in Corolla, Outer Banks, North Carolina for the week despite what Hurricane Hanna decides to do!

No picture today, I don't look much different anyway!

1 comment:

April Ziegler said...

Wow, I can't believe you're at 30 weeks already! These next 10 weeks will fly by, I'm sure. Have a great trip next week!