27 August 2009

My Baby and I project - Week 33/52

The week of August 17th was a rough one for Andrew.
  • Monday the poor boy was sent home from school because he had a fever.
  • Tuesday he stayed home and was so sad, he clung to mommy and slept on her shoulder most of the day. In the afternoon we went to his 9 month well check to find out he's a healthy growing boy despite the virus he had. He was 30.5 inches long (95th percentile) and 19 pounds, 4 ounces (40th percentile). His weight was great and even up a bit from his last check at 6 months. He wasn't able to get his shot because he had a fever.
  • Wednesday, his 9 month birthday he stayed home with Dad and again was sad, clingy, and tired.
  • Thursday he stayed home one more time with mom.
  • Friday he went to school but was very cranky.
  • Saturday and Sunday he was miserable and we thought he may be getting teeth but nothing showed up.
  • Monday and Tuesday he went to school but still wasn't his happy self. Everyone was concerned. We went back to the doctor on Tuesday to find he has his first ear infection. He's now on amoxicillin (which he hates taking) and it will end the day before we leave on vacation! After 2 days of it he's starting to be his normal happy self again and we welcome the happy Andrew with open arms.
Here are some pics of the poor boy feeling sick and the weekly shot, another rendition of Week 1

15 August 2009

My Baby and I project - Week 32/52

My Baby and I project - Week 31/52

The week 31 photo is about learning to crawl, or at least trying to show Andrew how to crawl. Since this was taken he's really looked like he was going to take off crawling any minute. He moves from a sitting position to getting on all fours, will move one leg then collapse onto his belly and scoot to where he wants to go :) Must catch it on video.

02 August 2009

Andrew - some more 8 month pics

Here's an assortment of recent Andrew photos for your enjoyment:

Leavin' on a jet plane...

Well, not quite yet, but in about a month from now we'll be going on our first family vacation to Beaches, Turks and Caicos! Andrew's passport is ready to go, now if we can only figure out how we're going to pack all the crap we need! The passport is too funny not to share:

01 August 2009

First Phillies Game

On Sunday July 26th we took Andrew to his first Phillies game! He had a great time looking at all the people, hearing all the new noises and watching the Phillies beat the Cardinals! It was a super hot and humid July day so we watched 3 innings from our seats, did a little walking around the concourse and watched the end of the game from the concourse behind home plate. All the excitement wore out the little guy and he ended up falling asleep in the carrier for the end of the game and the walk back to the car! We hope to take him to many more fun games in the years ahead!