25 July 2007

I've been tagged!

I was tagged by April

(Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, players then tags 8 people by posting their names and makes sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog.)

1. Dave Matthews is my favorite musician of all time. I have a few others that I also enjoy but none can compare to Dave. His voice will forever make me happy.

2. Despite what my blog name may have you believe, I am in no way an ego-maniac. Very far from it, probably could use a little more confidence every so often as a matter of fact.

3. I'm obsessed with my kitty Charley. I just can't get over how much personality he has and how cute he is. Best.Cat.Ever.

4. I have an uncanny ability to remember a face. The name part of the recognition is starting to slip but I can always remember if I met someone before. This drives my husband crazy because I am forever saying that I know someone wherever we go!

5. I am extremely observant. It is hard to get something past me. Get your hair trimmed? I'll notice. Move something on my desk? I'll notice.

6. I would love to be as crafty as Martha Stewart. I try and sometime succeed but I'm kind of lazy so I doubt I'll ever be one to take the time to whip up my own mayo or whip cream. I did however make myself a nice ribbon board to jazz up my cube at work with pics!

7. In my previous job (200-2001) I was a dive show host at the New Jersey State Aquarium. I was the one with the Britney Spears microphone talking to the divers in the tank and entertaining hundreds of aquarium patrons.

8. I love reality tv. I'll watch almost any reality tv show at least once, some I can watch over and over. Two of VH1's new shows "Scott Baio is 45 and single" and "Rock of Love" are two that I can watch over and over. I could go on and on with shows I could watch repetitively but I am struggling to think of one I can't watch again and again. Hmm, there must be one....

Blogs I've tagged (Apparently I need more blog friends :P
Briner Family (tagged through email)
Duane of The Best of Whats Around

22 July 2007

Mill Grove Visit

For the 15 years Duane has lived in Audubon, he has never visited its namesake (I guess I shouldn't talk, I've only visited once myself!). We visited Mill Grove, the first home of John J. Audubon, on Saturday to practice with the camera. I started to get the hang of the manual settings and although I see a ton of things I could have done better the shots aren't too bad (I guess!) - Check them out:

And this one is just for fun: my fearless husband ready to protect me from any wild beasts
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Phillies fans

Back on Friday the 13th, we got to a Phillies game with a bunch of friends. It ended up being the most exciting game that we'd been to in a while, however the 10,000th loss of the franchise was looming in the shadows. The milestone didn't occur till that Sunday night but no one knew when it would happen so there were a few banners about it. And some people didn't know how to spell "losses" I guess: