31 December 2008

One Month Appointment

Today we had Andrew's one month well visit. He'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow so the appointment was a little late but I guess he technically is still one month+ old. Anyway, the last visit was around 3 weeks and he weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces. Today he weighed 10 pounds, 13 ounces and was 23.25 inches long (up from 21 inches at birth). That puts him in the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He's going to be a big boy! He got his second round of HepB shot and did pretty well. Overall he's a healthy guy!

We had a milestone on Sunday, while changing his diaper and kissing his face I got my first smile! It was so cute, I wish I had a picture to show everyone! Andrew is also starting to make little cooing noises and really focus on things in his line of sight. When he's awake and happy he likes to kick his legs, swing his arms and try to talk to us with his sweet little baby voice. He's still nursing every 1.5-2 hours during the day. He'll go as long as 3-4 hours between feedings at night (though usually I'm not that lucky), sometimes goes right back to sleep until the next feeding, others he's wide awake - mommy isn't sleeping too much! When he is sleeping, he co-sleeps with mommy and daddy in a Co-sleeper in between them and listens to white noise or heartbeat sounds. He seems to wake up with the sunrise and only naps well while being held. He's a good traveler, as long as he's not hungry, he'll usually fall asleep in the car and while we shop.

Here's some snapshots from today:

30 December 2008

Merry Christmas from the Peck's

We had a wonderful first Christmas with Andrew! On Christmas Eve, we went to Legal Seafood's with the Pecks, Gramma Peck and Nan. Andrew looked so cute and was dressed in an oxford button-down shirt and corduroys - matching daddy! He was so well behaved - ate a bottle then sat on mom's lap for the night. Then we went back to the Peck's to open presents. Santa had already come and left a pile of gifts!

At the restaurant:
Matching Daddy:
Four Peck generations - Gramma Peck, Poppy, Daddy and Andrew:

Christmas day began at the normal {early} time. We opened presents at our house then got ready and headed to G-mom and G-pop's house to open presents. Andrew looked like a little man in his red and black plaid button down, red sweater vest and black corduroys. Next we went to my Aunt Bev and Uncle Dave's house for dinner and a silly dollar store gift exchange. Finally we went to Mom-mom and Poppy's house for a small visit and fun in the garage with pop guns.

Our Christmas tree on Christmas morning:

Even though he slept through a lot of it, our first Christmas with Andrew was a special time. We're so lucky to have such a lovable, well behaved, healthy little guy - he is my favorite gift this year!

Dressed for Christmas:
Hanging out with G-mom and G-pop:
Having dinner with Mom:
Taking a little nap:
Four generations - Mom-mom, G-mom, Mommy and Andrew
Nan getting into the pop guns:

One month appointment

Today we had Andrew's one month well visit. He'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow so the appointment was a little late but I guess he technically is still one month+ old. Anyway, the last visit was around 3 weeks and he weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces. Today he weighed 10 pounds, 13 ounces and was 23.25 inches long (up from 21 inches at birth). That puts him in the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He's going to be a big boy! He got his second round of HepB shot and did pretty well. Overall he's a healthy guy!

We had a milestone on Sunday, while changing his diaper and kissing his face I got my first smile! It was so cute, I wish I had a picture to show everyone! Andrew is also starting to make little cooing noises and really focus on things in his line of sight. When he's awake and happy he likes to kick his legs, swing his arms and try to talk to us with his sweet little baby voice. He's still nursing every 1.5-2 hours during the day. He'll go as long as 3-4 hours between feedings at night (though usually I'm not that lucky), sometimes goes right back to sleep until the next feeding, others he's wide awake - mommy isn't sleeping too much! When he is sleeping, he co-sleeps with mommy and daddy in a Co-sleeper in between them and listens to white noise or heartbeat sounds. He seems to wake up with the sunrise and only naps well while being held. He's a good traveler, as long as he's not hungry, he'll usually fall asleep in the car and while we shop.

Here's some snapshots from today:

Santa visit

Andrew had his first visit to Santa (and the King of Prussia mall!) on Saturday, December 20th. We arrived right after Santa had been on break so the line was wrapped around to the exit, full of crazy parents who waited until the last Saturday before Christmas to see Santa. Andrew did great with the wait, even ate a bottle while in mommy's arms. We waited a little under 2 hours but to see the REAL Santa, it's always worth it! Duane and I have been getting pictures with Santa for our parents for several years now, this will probably be the last one with us in it :)

11 December 2008

Three week update

Despite my new mom worries, Andrew has been doing great! We confirmed that with a quick trip to the pediatrician today because I was worried about his spit up, poop colors and weight (funny the things we become obsessed over when a newborn arrives!). You can get yourself convinced of the worst when you look up information on infants spit up and poop on the internet (or any health ailment for that matter!).

He's been eating even more than every 2 hours which made me worry he wasn't getting enough, especially when he spits up a lot after every feeding. He's a bit of a lazy nurser, sometimes it takes him almost an hour to finish if I'm not poking him and egging him on! This makes for a tired mommy if he decides to take his time to eat then need some more in less than an hour later!

Anyway, it turns out he's gained a bunch of ounces and is now 9 pounds 7 ounces, up from 8 pounds 8 ounces less than two weeks ago! The doctor was pleased with this gain and wasn't the least bit concerned with his spit up or strangely colored poops. It was nice to make sure everything is going well!

Here's a pic of Andrew's tiny hand holding onto Duane's finger, I love this shot, especially since it seems like he's not going to be very little for much longer.

03 December 2008

Two weeks old

Our baby has been with us two weeks already! He's doing great being his cute little self. So far he seems to be an early riser and is usually content to hang out and look around after his morning feeding, usually naps in the afternoon, is a little fussy around dinner time and then sleeps pretty good at night, as long as mom is close by. He is eating about every 2-3 hours, 3-4 during the night.

Today Andrew and Mom ventured out alone to go shopping! We had a successful trip to Target and AC Moore despite mom being a little nervous about it.

And because I like to include photos in each post, here's a pic from last week in the cocoon mom knitted:

02 December 2008

Andrew at 1 week old

Andrew at home stats and pictures

When we were discharged from the hospital, Andrew had lost some ounces as expected. He was 8.4 pounds and healthy otherwise.

We took him home Friday, 21Nov08 and found ourselves a bit overwhelmed by the entire experience! I had probaly only slept about 4 hours since Tuesday so I was exhausted physically and emotionally. We quickly figured out how to best set up our house for taking care of him and me - set up everything downstairs! Sleeping in our elevated bed wasn't really an option for me so couch and chair sleeping we did!

The first night went fairly well, Andrew ate about every 2 hours and slept on my chest while I napped in our big plush chair/ottoman.

We had his first doctor's appointment on Monday, 24Nov08. He looked good but was still 8.4 pounds and Dr. Smith wanted to make sure he wasn't getting jaundiced so we had to get his foot pricked for a blood test and bring him back for a weight check in a few days. It was way worse on me than it was on him. His results came back later that afternoon and were great!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Mom-mom and Poppy's house with G-mom, G-pop, and Nan. Andrew did a good job napping so that Mommy could eat then he woke up in time for some pictures.

Friday after Thanksgiving we took him back for his weight check and he had gained 4 ounces in 4 days - perfect weight gain! All those feeding were paying off!

He's been a great baby! He is content after he eats and has only a few fussy times during the day, including when his diaper is getting changed! He still only really like to sleep while being held but will take short naps in the bassinet. He loves to look around and has become more alert by the day.

Here are a few pictures of our first days at home:

Enjoying the bouncy seat
Sleeping in the bassinet
Checking out Dad
Snoozing with Mom

01 December 2008

The things we love about Andrew

Well, we love everything but some things that are especially cute...

  • His adorable sneezes and the way his hands fly up when they happen

  • The look of wonderment he gets when he has the hiccups

  • The way his big yawns make us yawn too

  • How he can squish up into a little ball when sleeping on our shoulder

  • The milk coma face he gets after a feeding

  • All the little faces he makes while looking around

  • Frogger legs

  • Squishy cheeks

  • The way he loves to sit up and see the world around him

  • All the little noises he makes

  • The pensive/inquisitive look he gives when something catches his attention

  • His super silky hair

  • Adorable ears

  • Long fingers and toes

  • Slate gray eyes

  • Dimple in his chin

  • How we can spend hours just staring at him...