11 December 2008

Three week update

Despite my new mom worries, Andrew has been doing great! We confirmed that with a quick trip to the pediatrician today because I was worried about his spit up, poop colors and weight (funny the things we become obsessed over when a newborn arrives!). You can get yourself convinced of the worst when you look up information on infants spit up and poop on the internet (or any health ailment for that matter!).

He's been eating even more than every 2 hours which made me worry he wasn't getting enough, especially when he spits up a lot after every feeding. He's a bit of a lazy nurser, sometimes it takes him almost an hour to finish if I'm not poking him and egging him on! This makes for a tired mommy if he decides to take his time to eat then need some more in less than an hour later!

Anyway, it turns out he's gained a bunch of ounces and is now 9 pounds 7 ounces, up from 8 pounds 8 ounces less than two weeks ago! The doctor was pleased with this gain and wasn't the least bit concerned with his spit up or strangely colored poops. It was nice to make sure everything is going well!

Here's a pic of Andrew's tiny hand holding onto Duane's finger, I love this shot, especially since it seems like he's not going to be very little for much longer.

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