02 December 2008

Andrew at home stats and pictures

When we were discharged from the hospital, Andrew had lost some ounces as expected. He was 8.4 pounds and healthy otherwise.

We took him home Friday, 21Nov08 and found ourselves a bit overwhelmed by the entire experience! I had probaly only slept about 4 hours since Tuesday so I was exhausted physically and emotionally. We quickly figured out how to best set up our house for taking care of him and me - set up everything downstairs! Sleeping in our elevated bed wasn't really an option for me so couch and chair sleeping we did!

The first night went fairly well, Andrew ate about every 2 hours and slept on my chest while I napped in our big plush chair/ottoman.

We had his first doctor's appointment on Monday, 24Nov08. He looked good but was still 8.4 pounds and Dr. Smith wanted to make sure he wasn't getting jaundiced so we had to get his foot pricked for a blood test and bring him back for a weight check in a few days. It was way worse on me than it was on him. His results came back later that afternoon and were great!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Mom-mom and Poppy's house with G-mom, G-pop, and Nan. Andrew did a good job napping so that Mommy could eat then he woke up in time for some pictures.

Friday after Thanksgiving we took him back for his weight check and he had gained 4 ounces in 4 days - perfect weight gain! All those feeding were paying off!

He's been a great baby! He is content after he eats and has only a few fussy times during the day, including when his diaper is getting changed! He still only really like to sleep while being held but will take short naps in the bassinet. He loves to look around and has become more alert by the day.

Here are a few pictures of our first days at home:

Enjoying the bouncy seat
Sleeping in the bassinet
Checking out Dad
Snoozing with Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is adorable! And that last photo is the sweetest thing ever.