11 October 2008

Yikes - swollen feet!

I read that it is pretty normal to have swollen feet and hands by this point in pregnancy but it's still a little bit of a shock to look down and see feet that you don't recognize! Previously in pregnancy I'd get a little bit of swelling after flying but what I've started to experience lately is just from everyday life. I have noticed my rings being a little more snug and my watch leaves a rather deep mark in my wrist but its mainly in my feet. I haven't had to keep my rings off yet but I think the watch will have to stay off for the remainder of my pregnancy. It sometimes is uncomfortable to bend my ankles because they feel like they're going to burst. I tried to capture the loveliness of the swelling but it's really hard to take pictures of your feet, especially with a pregnant belly in the way... but here's what they looked like yesterday:

Although I don't have many photos of my feet normally, here's one to compare with. This was taken on our engagement trip to Aruba while sitting on the beautiful beach:

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