26 August 2007

Farm photos

On the way home from lunch we spotted a funny photo opportunity - about 20 cows all grazing but in a perfect line! It was the farm right up the road so I had Duane take me home to get my camera but, by the time we got back, they were out of formation. Oh well, we stopped in the farm/petting zoo anyway and I got to practice some more with the camera. I think I got some good shots, here are a couple...

The baby pigs were a riot, they had just eaten and were very excited, snorting, squealing and running around! They are just about 4 weeks old.

These pigs were so dirty and stinky but hilarious! They were running around, sliding on the mud and wrestling with each other!

The farm must go through a lot of this - there were a lot of hungry cows and pigs at this farm!

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