31 May 2007

Time really does fly!

Wow, I've been a slacker in the posting department lately! :::Just remembered I could post about our Memorial day weekend though!:::

I'm currently enrolled in two summer courses at Temple. One is on Tuesday and Thursday nights and is all about Pharmaceutical pre-approval inspections (i.e. the inspections that occur before you can market product) and the other is every other Sunday for 6 Sundays and is about High purity water systems. Can you imagine sitting in class for 8 hours listening to a guy talk enthusiastically about water?!?!! Imagine it. I do it even if it does seem like torture! Only 5 classes left until my Masters! Thank goodness.

I can't believe it is June already! Thankfully, I think the tree pollen season is dying down b/c my allergies have been much more tolerable lately.

One year from this Sunday I was buying my wedding dress. Aww, such nice memories of being in that dress. Sad that it is still uncleaned from our wedding day and hanging at my parents house. Seven years from this Sunday I was in my friend Jen's wedding - can't believe 7 years have gone by! This Sunday you should take a picture at 2 PM EST. Check out this site and participate! http://aminuteinlife.blogspot.com/ I'll be in class but I may just sneak out and get a pic of the geese that live on Fort Washington's campus!

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