03 July 2009

A fun weekend of firsts

The last weekend of June was a big one for Andrew! He had his first overnight stay away from home, first trip to the beach to see the sand and ocean, first time sitting in a restaurant high-chair and booster, first time on a playground swing and first time to the boardwalk. Mommy even had a first - first taste of cheese on Mack-n-Manco pizza since the no-dairy diet started February 1st (and boy was it delicious!).

We left for the Flower's house in Sea Isle, NJ on Friday night after meeting the Roth's for dinner complete with a crazy hail storm at Chic-fil-A. Andrew slept great in his Pack and Play for his first night away from home.

Saturday morning we got up, hung out and decided to go to the beach. Evan didn't want to go so Andrew, Duane, Shannon, Abby and I packed up and hiked over to the beach. We obviously didn't plan the trip out to well because we got there at high noon with high tide and people jammed everywhere, burned our feet on the hot sand, sweated with no breeze, upset Andrew by putting his feet in the cold ocean then left about 20 minutes after arriving when Andrew was melting down and needing a nap. It's pretty comical to think back to it now. After a nap and take out dinner we all took a long walk to the playground and Andrew had his first swing on a playground swing! We walked home, saw a turtle laying eggs and watched the sunset. It was a fun day.

Sunday we went to breakfast on the pier and Andrew sat like a big boy in the resturaunt high chair! Later in the afternoon we attempted the beach again and it went much smoother. Andrew played on a towel in his tent, Abby slept and Evan played ball and with his trucks. After showers we went over to the Ocean City Boardwalk. I couldn't resist my favorite Mack-n-Manco pizza so went against the no-dairy diet and had a few slices while Andrew again sat like a big boy in the booster seat. We were having so much fun we decided to stay over on Sunday night and take off on Monday.

It was a great weekend! Here are some pictures from it:

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