28 June 2008

We're having a....

(Dad - Don't scroll down if you really don't want to know!)

What a shock it was to me! I'd been feeling girl ever since the beginning. Duane felt it'd be a boy because I was so sure it was a girl. The night before while I was dozing off to sleep I did have a vision of bringing home a baby in a blue blanket though! Anyway, he looks great, everything is in place. He's weighing in at 11 ounces and is measuring right on schedule for my original due date of November 12! It was so amazing to see him in there, everything in place, just smaller versions. We saw all his bones, organs, blood flow and even the boy evidence! We're so happy we found out the sex, it just makes it seem more real especially since I still haven't really felt him move around (well I may have felt him late one night this week but I'm not completely sure!) We got a lot of U/S pictures but won't have them scanned for a while so here's a pic of us with the "BOY" shot and one of me from the day at 20 weeks, 2 days (halfway!!).

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