28 May 2008

16 weeks down, 168 days to go!

Today I hit the 16 week mark! According to my weekly pregnancy updates the baby is somewhere from the size of an avocado to an apple or around 4.5 inches long from head to butt. It's able to squint, frown and open it's mouth, has fingernails and will go through a growth spurt to double it's weight in the next 3 weeks! It can kick, grasp with its hands and do somersaults (although I haven't felt any of that yet)!

I think my belly looks like a bit of a blob but I also think that it's popped beyond what I thought was bloating up to this point. I'm still feeling tired but hope that the Snoogle I got today in the mail will help me sleep. I'm hoping it will keep me off of my back and make me comfortable enough to lay on my left side (which to this point is not something I comfortably do).

I hesitated to share these but you'll probably all see the damage sooner or later :)

The first pic is my "normal" belly, the second is me pushing it out to give the baby a little more room to roll around for a few seconds! What do you think? I'm definitely wider now, huh?

10 May 2008

1/3 Down, 2/3 till Baby Peck!

Today officially marks the end of my first trimester (13 weeks, 3 days) and I'm so glad to be here. I've been a bit of nervous wreck worrying until now and although I'm sure that won't end anytime soon, I feel like this is a milestone. Soon I'll be feeling the baby move and that will be awesome!

I'm still feeling pretty good but still tired all the time. Everyone tells me that will get better so I'm counting on it! Don't get me wrong, I love my naps but I also have stuff to get done!

I made my first baby purchase the other day. Well, that is the first baby purchase for the baby and not for me (I've gotten a lot of new clothes for me!). I got a Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper Backpack on sale! I think it's pretty gender neutral too. I doubt Duane will want to carry it though! It's a backpack or shoulder bag that has a changing pad built right in! I have no idea if it will be practical or big enough when we really have a baby but I think it's pretty cool at the moment! I haven't had out the camera in a while so here are some shots I was practicing with:

02 May 2008