13 April 2008

Miami trip

My trip to Miami (and working only 5 hours a day as Duane said in the previous post!) went pretty well. The reason I went was because my company contracts out manufacturing of our patch product to a company in Miami. They have been having a little trouble so my company has placed 4 QA people there each week while they are manufacturing. We rotate shifts and it ends up being about 5 hours of work a day. Not too bad of a deal since we each get a car and room at the Dadeland Marriott. While I wasn't working I spent two days going to the Keys.

Wednesday I went South to the Keys. I started at John Pennekamp State park and walked a few of the trails and had lunch. I next drove South and made it to Long Key State park. I had been to both before when my college roommate, Margaret and I did a marathon 3 day trip to the Keys over a long weekend! On the way back North, I stopped at one of my favorite places in the Keys. Robbies is a dock where a bunch of HUGE tarpon hang out. You can buy a bucket of fish to feed them and when they aren't feeling fat and sluggish they'll even jump out of the water for the fish! This particular day they were being kind of lazy but they were still amazing to see. There was one that was, no exaggeration, as big as me. Definitely as long and almost as wide, and that ain't no fish tale! The only problem with feeding the tarpon are the pelicans. These birds act like they are starving! Robbies does have one enclosure that the not as large fish swim in and out of and it's a good place to avoid pelicans and feed them.

Thursday I went over to Key Biscane and Bill Baggs state park with Florida's cape lighthouse. I could see it from my hotel room which was pretty cool. I did a few walks and took lots of pictures. I went in the lighthouse too and up all 109 spiral steps. Let me tell you, it was tiring and dizzying but worth it! This lighthouse is no longer used to alert ship captains. They complained in the mid 1900's that the light wasn't tall enough so in the 1960's they installed a Eiffel tower type light 6 miles out on the coral reef.

My camera is horribly underexposing photos for some reason but here are a few I salvaged and liked. Also check out my flickr page for more!

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