09 September 2007

PSU visit

We traveled with the Roth's to PSU this weekend. We (and a bunch of others) took off Friday to head up and enjoy a day of college drinking before the big ND game. We were at Cafe 210 by about 2 pm, having drinks and eats. Below are a few pics from Friday before things got too crazy!

We played check roulette - the person who guesses closest to the actual check amount doesn't have to pay. We had 9 people drinking and eating lunch.
^Here's everyone with their guesses for the check total...
^And here's the check! 31 beers and lunch for 9 for less than $200! College prices can't be beat!
^Me and Shannon

Saturday's tailgating began by 10 AM, however we didn't make it there until around noon. Tailgating was crazy, there were so many people out (and in white!). Duane ended up getting one ticket from a friend of Joe Mazza's. Below are the pics from tailgating and the game.
^The tailgate next to us was out of control.
^One of the seas of Tailgaters.
^Everyone starting to go in for the game

^It really was a "White Out"
^PSU wins 31 to 10 over Notre Dame!

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